It's Indie Music Conference and Festival season in our area!
These events are several days of music showcasing, networking, music industry panels, one on one mentoring, trade shows just to mention the basics that happen at these events. These events are designed to help you as an artist build your brand, meet people that will help your career and build contacts in this business. The Liberty Musicfest (TLF) and Dewey Beach Music Conference (DBMC) are ones that artists should submit to and along with your submission you full band receives free admission to all the events from VIP parties, Showcases, Panels and everything Else these events have going on.
Check out these Events!
The Liberty Musicfest 2014
Location: Finnigan's Wake - 2nd and Spring Garden, Philadelphia, PA
Dates: Wed. Aug. 20th through Sun. Aug 24th
Number of Artists Selected: 50+
Cost: $15 per band/Artist
*** all artists that submit get free admission to the complete event***
Facebook Page:
Styles of Music: All rock, indie, alternative, jam, funk, hip hop, r&b, punk, metal, DJs, EDM, Electro, Pop, Singer Songwriter, Blues, Jazz, Progressive Rock, lo fi
The goal of the Annual Liberty Music Festival is celebrate, educate and showcase
music over four days. The 5 days will consist of Live Music Showcases from artists
around the region at night, Music Industry Educational Seminars/Panels
during the day and VIP Happy Hours for Networking. All events will be held
Philadelphia PA @ Finnigan's Wake
Wednesday: Kick Off Party Open Jam Style! 7pm on
Thursday: Showcases, Key Note Speaker, Networking Vendors 7pm on
Friday: Showcases, Key Note Speaker, Vendors, Networking, VIP Party 7pm on
Saturday: Showcases, Key Note Speaker, Vendors , Networking, Panels, Mentoring, VIP Party
Sunday: Showcases, Key Note Speaker, Vendors , Networking, Panels, Mentoring, VIP Party
Speakers, Mentors, Vendors, Volunteers and Sponsors interested in The Liberty Musicfest please contact
Dewey Beach Music Conference 2014
Location: Dewey Beach Delaware over 8 blocks
Dates: Sept 18th, 19th and 20th
Number of Artists Selected: 100+
Cost: $25 per band/Artist
*** all artists that submit get free admission to the complete event***
Facebook Page:
Styles of Music: All Rock, Alternative, Pop Rock, Jam, Singer Songwriters, Funk, Blues, Bluegrass, Electro Pop, Live Band Hip Hop, Country
DBMC may not be the biggest music conference in the northeast, but it has garnered more than its fair share of critical acclaim, rave reviews and enthusiastic return participants. This is due in no small part to the consistent quality of talent and its location. Where else can bands get free registration/badges, free food all weekend, free Bud Light & Absolut, free brunch, No cover at any club so they are packed!! What a great concept for a music conference at the Beach. Make it Musician Friendly.. and they will come
Thursday: Showcases, Key Networking, VIP Party 7pm on
Friday: Showcases, Key Note Speaker, Vendors, Networking, VIP Party free food and drinks 7pm on
Saturday: Showcases, Key Note Speaker, Vendors , Networking, Panels, Mentoring, VIP Party free food and drinks
Sunday: , Networking, VIP Party Sunday Brunch